FAQ about the RWM.net Best Domain Name Reseller Program!

Q. Who is the registrar for this reseller program?
A. The registrar is GoDaddy.com.

Q. Is there any difference in buying the reseller program from you than from GoDaddy.com?
A. No, the program is exactly the same, everything is processed and set up by GoDaddy.com, only the price is cheaper through us.

Q. How can you sell the reseller programs for less than GoDaddy.com?
A. As an authorized GoDaddy.com Super Reseller we are allowed to set our prices within minimums and maximums set by GoDaddy.com. We choose to set our prices lower than those offered by GoDaddy.com.

Q. Who provides support for the reseller program?
A. All support for you and your customers is provided by GoDaddy.com. Again, this is the same program that GoDaddy.com sells, the only difference is that our prices are lower.

Please contact us if there are other questions!

Current Coupon Code Specials

Pro Reseller Program: $119.99 (for new resellers)
Enter coupon code at checkout:

Renewals - Pro Reseller Program: $119.99 (for current pro resellers - lowest renewal price available)
Enter coupon code at checkout:

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  Reseller Support: (480) 505-8822 resellersupport@securepaynet.net  
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